Be sure to check back often as we’ll be adding lots of cool information about Essential Oils, recipes and new laser engraving projects.

2023 04 25 Kia & Jessica Bonnie & I shared what we learned from Kia & Jessica as there journey to Diamond. And what we are going to do to implement these new tools. It was great knowing how you take your passion and use the oils to share with other’s that have your passion to build a business.


Native to the Mediterranean region, parsley has a documented history of use that extends back to Ancient Greece and Rome. The botanical name for parsley, Petroselinum, comes from the Greek word for stone, petro, as the herb was often found growing in rocky places. The ancient Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder (AD 23-79) wrote about …


Oregano Vitality is more than just a seasoning—it may also support a healthy lifestyle when taken as a dietary supplement.