Spearmint Vitality

Spearmint Vitality provides digestive and general wellness support, and can be used to add a fresh, minty flavor to soups, sauces, and teas.*Native to Europe and temperate Southern Asia, spearmint is a common culinary herb often used to flavor food and beverages. With a distinctly sweeter, softer mint taste than Peppermint Vitality, Spearmint Vitality is …


Native to the Mediterranean region, parsley has a documented history of use that extends back to Ancient Greece and Rome. The botanical name for parsley, Petroselinum, comes from the Greek word for stone, petro, as the herb was often found growing in rocky places. The ancient Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder (AD 23-79) wrote about …

Fennel Vitality

Fennel is a leafy herb native to regions of southern Europe and Asia Minor that is now grown around the world for use as a culinary herb. It has a long, rich history that goes back to ancient times, when it was easily accessible throughout the Mediterranean Basin. The herb’s use dates back to ancient …